I felt like doing yet another personal post, because I have some things I want to talk about. So first off, Summer has been here officially for like a week, and we didn't get Summer weather yet, alot of people are still wearing coat. It's been super rainy also. And this is not the Summer weather we usually get, I know we're not in California, but I've seen better summer days. So hopefully we will get a better month of July. Speaking of July, how is it already July? We are now past halfway of the year. Which is so scary. So many things I didn't get to do yet in 2013. Woah. I'm thinking about going to festivals this summer, I really want to go to concerts and stuff. Go to the beach. Camping. All the summer fun stuff.
With all that, I've been working alot, so maybe that's why I haven't seen the time go. Which brings it up to leaving for college in September. I'm going in Graphic Design, as you may or have not seen on one of latest blog post. I'm super excited, I've always had in interest in arts and technology. So that seems like the right career option. Blogging/Youtube/Beauty community has made me a discover a big passion for beauty, makeup, fashion, social media, marketing, journalism and all that. And with my Graphic Design course there's alot of options to make my passion into a career! Woohoo! Anyways enough with the future talk, I have blog post dedicated to that if you care! :)
Lastly as you may have heard GFC is leaving us tomorrow, so please follow me on www.bloglovin.com/sparklethiscity
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Twitter: www.twitter.com/sparklethiscity
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sparklethiscity
NEW Email: sparklethiscity@outlook.com