
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy 1st blogging birthday Sparkle This City!

If we go back to this date last year, I wrote my first blog post on Sparkle This City and I had no idea what I was doing. I just can't believe it. It went by way too fast and I'm sure this year will go by way too fast as well!!

Now that I understand and am more into blogging than ever I can't wait to see what this year will bring!! Also excited about college I had my first day yesterday which was more like a welcome day and stuff, but tomorrow my classes are starting! :O

Blogging is really not as easy as it looks, it's really time consuming with work/school/everything. Taking pictures, finding ideas, editing, writing, correcting and publicity! All that takes a whole lotta time, TRUST ME! But this year, I'll try to post waaay more.

Now that I'm better at posting more frequently and scheduling my posts; I have a good feeling about this year!! GET READY 2013-2014!! I have alot of goals blogging-wise and I really hope I accomplish them! Alot of promising ideas as well. Different kinds of post, maybe more fashion, lifestyle and stuff like that.

My passion for beauty is only getting bigger everyday and there's always new things to learn, to test out, to blog about, etc! Blogging is actually my main reason when I blog now, I'm like: Oh! well I'll blog about this so it's worth it ;) ahah!

I want all my followers/readers, all the sweet comments you leave me makes me so happy because I know people are actually reading my blog. Which means the world to me because I love doing this!! And I don't plan on stopping any time soon!!

In the meantime, I'll have new post up very soon! Also, make sure to enjoy everyday because next thing you know it'll be 2014. No time to waste! Do what you love and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! XOXO



  1. Happy blogging birthday :) Looking forward to new posts :)

  2. Happy blogging birthday! I just came across your blog through the bloggers chat, but I can't wait to see more posts from you.

    CurlandPearls | Bloglovin’

  3. Happy Blogversary!
    Do keep blogging! (:

  4. Congratulations! I love reading your blog so keep blogging your little socks off! :D


i appreciate having feedback. i also love receiving suggestions for upcoming post so dont be scared to leave some! i try to read and reply to all of my comments, they honestly mean so much to me <3 if you want to email me, you can do so at Xx


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