
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monthly Goals // March

Can you believe it's already March? I feel like it was just yesterday we were celebrating New Years.

Anyway, I'm thinking of making this a monthly thing writing a post about my goals for the month. Because I think its great to have goals and when you actually write them, you are most-likely to accomplish them. So, today, I will be taking about my goals for the month of March.

1/ Blog more. During February, I basically didn't blog at all due to being to busy with college. Try to schedule more post in advance so it does not happen again.
2/ Start exercising, eat healthy and take walks. Get ready for summer, cause next thing we know its gonna be here!
3/ Make more time for myself.
4/ Learn to cook different things.
5/ Try to always be up-to-date with college work.
6/ Discover new music and put new music on my iPhone! Cause I don't even take the time to do it but I really should, cause it puts me in a good mood!

I could go on and on about goals but I think its more realistic and attainable to only have a few! Hope you're all enjoying your March break! And have a lovely month! :) XO


  1. The time has gone way to quick in my opinion :') We haven't even had much of a winter this year :( I really like your monthly goals idea and I want to start eating better too! xx

  2. I know they feeling, can't believe we are nearly in Spring! Good luck with these, and with cooking new things, I envy your dedication!

    Belle ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  3. This is such a good idea, having monthly goals that you can focus on and achieve rather than just something for the whole year. Getting ready for summer is something I need to start on too, I am definitely not ready to bare myself on a beach just yet! Xx


i appreciate having feedback. i also love receiving suggestions for upcoming post so dont be scared to leave some! i try to read and reply to all of my comments, they honestly mean so much to me <3 if you want to email me, you can do so at Xx


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